#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'rbconfig' require 'find' require 'ftools' require 'tempfile' include Config LIBDIR = "lib" LIBDIR_MODE = 0644 BINDIR = "bin" BINDIR_MODE = 0755 $srcdir = CONFIG["srcdir"] $version = CONFIG["MAJOR"]+"."+CONFIG["MINOR"] $libdir = File.join(CONFIG["libdir"], "ruby", $version) $archdir = File.join($libdir, CONFIG["arch"]) $site_libdir = $:.find {|x| x =~ /site_ruby$/} $bindir = CONFIG["bindir"] || CONFIG['BINDIR'] $ruby_install_name = CONFIG['ruby_install_name'] || CONFIG['RUBY_INSTALL_NAME'] || 'ruby' $ruby_ext = CONFIG['EXEEXT'] || '' $ruby = File.join($bindir, ($ruby_install_name + $ruby_ext)) if !$site_libdir $site_libdir = File.join($libdir, "site_ruby") elsif $site_libdir !~ %r/#{Regexp.quote($version)}/ $site_libdir = File.join($site_libdir, $version) end def install_rb(srcdir=nil, destdir=nil, mode=nil, bin=nil) #{{{ path = [] dir = [] Find.find(srcdir) do |f| next unless FileTest.file?(f) next if (f = f[srcdir.length+1..-1]) == nil next if (/CVS$/ =~ File.dirname(f)) path.push f dir |= [File.dirname(f)] end for f in dir next if f == "." next if f == "CVS" File::makedirs(File.join(destdir, f)) end for f in path next if (/\~$/ =~ f) next if (/^\./ =~ File.basename(f)) unless bin File::install(File.join(srcdir, f), File.join(destdir, f), mode, true) else from = File.join(srcdir, f) to = File.join(destdir, f) shebangify(from) do |sf| $deferr.print from, " -> ", File::catname(from, to), "\n" $deferr.printf "chmod %04o %s\n", mode, to File::install(sf, to, mode, false) end end end #}}} end def shebangify f #{{{ open(f) do |fd| buf = fd.read 42 if buf =~ %r/^\s*#\s*!.*ruby/o ftmp = Tempfile::new("#{ $$ }_#{ File::basename(f) }") begin fd.rewind ftmp.puts "#!#{ $ruby }" while((buf = fd.read(8192))) ftmp.write buf end ftmp.close yield ftmp.path ensure ftmp.close! end else yield f end end #}}} end def ARGV.switch #{{{ return nil if self.empty? arg = self.shift return nil if arg == '--' if arg =~ /^-(.)(.*)/ return arg if $1 == '-' raise 'unknown switch "-"' if $2.index('-') self.unshift "-#{$2}" if $2.size > 0 "-#{$1}" else self.unshift arg nil end #}}} end def ARGV.req_arg #{{{ self.shift || raise('missing argument') #}}} end def linkify d, linked = [] #--{{{ if test ?d, d versioned = Dir[ File::join(d, "*-[0-9].[0-9].[0-9].rb") ] versioned.each do |v| src, dst = v, v.gsub(%r/\-[\d\.]+\.rb$/, '.rb') lnk = nil begin if test ?l, dst lnk = "#{ dst }.lnk" puts "#{ dst } -> #{ lnk }" File::rename dst, lnk end unless test ?e, dst puts "#{ src } -> #{ dst }" File::copy src, dst linked << dst end ensure if lnk at_exit do puts "#{ lnk } -> #{ dst }" File::rename lnk, dst end end end end end linked #--}}} end # # main program # libdir = $site_libdir bindir = $bindir no_linkify = false linked = nil help = false usage = <<-usage #{ File::basename $0 } -d, --destdir -l, --libdir -b, --bindir -r, --ruby -n, --no_linkify -h, --help usage begin while switch = ARGV.switch case switch when '-d', '--destdir' libdir = ARGV.req_arg when '-l', '--libdir' libdir = ARGV.req_arg when '-b', '--bindir' bindir = ARGV.req_arg when '-r', '--ruby' $ruby = ARGV.req_arg when '-n', '--no_linkify' no_linkify = true when '-h', '--help' help = true else raise "unknown switch #{switch.dump}" end end rescue STDERR.puts $!.to_s STDERR.puts usage exit 1 end if help STDOUT.puts usage exit end unless no_linkify linked = linkify('lib') + linkify('bin') end install_rb(LIBDIR, libdir, LIBDIR_MODE) install_rb(BINDIR, bindir, BINDIR_MODE, bin=true) if linked linked.each{|path| File::rm_f path} end