NAME rlock v1.3.0 SYNOPSIS rlock [options]+ file.lock [program [-- [options]+] [args]+] DESCRIPTTION rlock creates NFS resistent lockfiles ENVIRONMENT LOCKFILE_DEBUG=1 will show internal actions of the library DIAGNOSTICS success => $? == 0 failure => $? != 0 AUTHOR BUGS > 1 OPTIONS -r, --retries=n default(nil) - (nil => forever) -a, --max_age=n default(1024) -s, --sleep_inc=n default(2) -p, --max_sleep=n default(32) -P, --min_sleep=n default(2) -u, --suspend=n default(64) -t, --timeout=n default(nil) - (nil => never) -f, --refresh=n default(8) -d, --debug default(false) -R, --poll_retries=n default(16) -S, --poll_max_sleep=n default(0.08) -w, --dont_sweep default(false) -v=0-4|debug|info|warn|error|fatal --verbosity -l, --log=path --log_age=log_age --log_size=log_size -h, --help EXAMPLES 0) simple usage - just create a file.lock in an atomic fashion ~ > rlock file.lock 1) safe usage - create a file.lock, execute a command, and remove file.lock ~ > rlock file.lock ls file.lock 2) same as above, but logging verbose messages ~ > rlock -v4 file.lock ls file.lock 3) same as above, but logging verbose messages and showing actions internal to lockfile library ~ > rlock -v4 -d file.lock ls file.lock 4) same as above ~ > LOCKFILE_DEBUG=1 rlock -v4 file.lock ls file.lock 5) same as above ~ > export LOCKFILE_DEBUG=1 ~ > rlock -v4 file.lock ls file.lock 6) note that you need to tell the option parser to stop parsing rlock options if you intend to pass options to 'program' ~ > rlock -v4 -d file.lock -- ls -ltar file.lock without the '--' rlock would consume the '-ltar' options, parsing it as the logfile name 'tar' 7) lock file.lock and exec 'program' - remove the file.lock if it is older than 4242 seconds ~ > rlock --max_age=4242 file.lock program 8) lock file.lock and exec 'program' - remove the file.lock if it is older than 4242 seconds, also spawn a background thread which will refresh file.lock every 8 seonds will 'program' is executing ~ > rlock --max_age=4242 --refresh=8 file.lock program 9) same as above, but fail if file.lock cannot be obtained within 1 minute ~ > rlock --max_age=4242 --refresh=8 --timeout=60 file.lock program